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Here's how to play Global Trade

What Goes Where

The game consists of country cards, cash cards and trade cards. Here is a video to help you understand how to setup the game and begin. After distributing 7 cards each proceed to place upto 3 cards in front.

What Goes Where

The game consists of country cards, cash cards and trade cards. Here is a video to help you understand how to setup the game and begin. After distributing 7 cards each proceed to place upto 3 cards in front.

Playing Each Turn

For every turn, draw 2 cards and play upto 3 cards in the following ways:

  1. Put cash in the cash pile
  2. Keep countries from your hand on the table
  3. Play a trade card

Playing Each Turn

For every turn, draw 2 cards and play upto 3 cards in the following ways:

  1. Put cash in the cash pile
  2. Keep countries from your hand on the table
  3. Play a trade card

How To Win

Set a required winning hand based on the number of players/recommendations in the playing guide. First person to reach the goal wins the game.

How To Win

Set a required winning hand based on the number of players/recommendations in the playing guide. First person to reach the goal wins the game.

Making Country Sets

Every card has the required number of allies to make it a complete country set. You can also use the global country card or country wild card as part of your country sets.

Making Country Sets

Every card has the required number of allies to make it a complete country set. You can also use the global country card or country wild card as part of your country sets.

Using Trade Cards

All trade cards have the transaction/consequence written on it. It can vary in impact depending on if it applies to all players or any one.

Using Trade Cards

All trade cards have the transaction/consequence written on it. It can vary in impact depending on if it applies to all players or any one.

Trade Cards and Country Cards as Cash

Country cards should always be placed separately from the cash pile but can be used to pay with their attached monetary value. Trade cards can be used as cash but once they enter the cash pile they can never be used as a trade card again.

Trade Cards and Country Cards as Cash

Country cards should always be placed separately from the cash pile but can be used to pay with their attached monetary value. Trade cards can be used as cash but once they enter the cash pile they can never be used as a trade card again.

Cards in Detail

Country Cards

Every Card shows you how many allies you need to make the complete country set of that colour.

Country Wild Card

This Card can be used as countries in different sets. Flipping it gets counted as a turn.

Tax Card

This can be used to charge tax from all other players based on the colours on it. Can be used as Cash.

Multi-Tax Card

This can be used to charge tax from one other player on any country set. Can be used as Cash.

Exchange Card

This can be used to swap one country you own with another from any other player.

Invade Card

This can be used to steal one country from any other player.

Colonize Card

This can be used to steal complete country set from any other player.

Global Country Card

This can be used to as any country in any set. No Cash Value.

Bailout Card

This can be used to charge $2000 from all other players

Custom Duty Card

This can be used to charge $5000 from all other players

Defend Card

This can be used against any trade card to nullify it’s effect.

Double Tax Card

This can be used to double the tax amount on any tax card. This does not count as an extra turn.

Embassy and Space Station

These can be used to increase the tax amount on any complete country set by $3000 and $4000 respectively.

Global Trade Card

These can be used to gain a unique advantage in the game if you own the specified countries on each card.

Cash Cards

These can be used to pay tax and other transactions.

Draw Two Card

This can be used to draw two extra cards in any turn.